We were primed by the production manager - in person, mind, no recording ironically - to ensure that all phones and pagers had to be silenced before the play started. As the play's stony silence played out I have to admit that I was on the edge of my seat STRAINING for the silence to be shattered by a tinny version of "Single Ladies" or some such. Only when Gambon actually started speaking could I on some way relax... it was mental torture!

The Irish actor Patrick Magee was the inspiration for the piece and I would love to see an actor with his brillo-pad abrasiveness play the role, Gambon's mellifluous speaking voice was more Baileys than Sarsons.
Still, for all it's vague predictability, Gambon gave us a memorable miniature of lost chances and sorrowful regret.
And thank you for not shaming me by mentioning that I nodded off... Oops!
I'm looking forward to the next show to open at the Duchess Butley - Dominic West, Paul McGann, Penny Downie, Amanda Drew and directed by Lindsay Posner - can't wait! www.butleylondon.com
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