Well one thing you can expect being a Morrissey fan is the unexpected.
I was gearing myself up for this Tuesday when I was seeing Moz at the Royal Albert Hall for his rescheduled gig from earlier in the year when he cancelled due to ill-health.
And now he's gone and collapsed in bloody Swindon of all places. He is carrying his love of Diana Dors just a little too far if you ask me.
So I am presuming the Albert Hall gig will be rescheduled again. I am beginning to think that we Stephen Patrick fans are becoming the reincarnation of those Judy Garland fans at the end of her career who would take their seats wondering whether she would even manage to get on the stage or not.
Constant Reader I have decided that my near-Poverty Row status might drag me back to selling my tat.... my valued ephemera on eBay again.

I was having a poke about for suitable candidates for selling when I came across a hidden cache of old cuttings from Back In The Day. Yep I think I can now share my old clippings of Blondie with someone who probably would actually look at them from time to time. So Dawn, Paul and Kevin should get caught up in a bidding war hopefully!
Actually it was instant nostalgia looking through them all.
I even found the very first picture of Debbie I ever saw from Sounds in 1977.... and here is is! It actually still makes my heart skip a beat.
That effortless New York cool...
I was more of an NME lad than Sounds...
I used to read 'em all... NME, Sounds, Record Mirror, Smash Hits... Melody Maker at a push. all the newsagents knew me!
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