over the Celebrity Big Brother implosion. When they all trooped in on that rainy night a week or so back I sat straining in eagerness for the housemate who would give us more bang for our buck. Amazing that this most dreary of line-ups has in fact given us 3 walk outs - damn even Jodie Marsh didn't flounce off last year despite the set-tos with Pete Burns, Michael Barrymore and George Galloway. So it trundled along it's samey little rut... until some bright spark decided to ship in Jade, her mother and toy boy. Now we have effigies being burnt in India and questions asked in the House of Commons.
Random thoughts:
Surely CBB should have been put to bed last year when we had the post-modern, HEAT-sent denouement of a non-celebrity winning the show by becoming famous just by being on it? But Channel 4 needs it's biggest cash cow... and I'm not talking about Jade.
For my part I don't think what's happening is racist, just nasty playground bullying of the worst order - oh for Richard from last year to be let in there to rename Jade, Danielle and Jo 'The Plastics'. It also makes for highly depressing and queasy viewing as it illustrates how vulgar, mean and debased the whole Celebrity/Chav culture has become and that is glorified in the yellow press that is HEAT, GRAZIA and any number of shite magazines which stoke and perpetuate this current breed of oxygen-thieves.
How strange that none of the other housemates - Jermaine, Ian, Dirk or Cleo - feel they can assert themselves in the face of the three-headed Hydra that is JadDanJo? Although I must say I am feeling kinder to Ian than even I could imagine.
Where do these people come from for a spontaneous effigy burning in front of the television cameras? Is there a 24 hour shop open which just sells old Guy Fawkes figures ready to be immolated at the drop of a hat? Likewise is there a shop in Muslim cities that sell Western flags for the weekly demonstration with the Swan Vestas?
How likely is it for Endemol to perceive Jade as the spanner in the works - when she has the same agent as Davina McColl, Dermot O'Leary and Russell Brand? Can't wait to see Davina's jokey "Oh Jade you are a one" interview when she is hopefully voted out... and now it's revealed Cleo Roccas is with the same agent which throws her role as 'peacemaker' into question.
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