This was the third time I had seen Freddy's troupe there and this time they had the
So here are a few snatched shots of Bears Fred, Luke (who needs some proper plumes for his fandance... that pigeon must was well-rid of those ratty feathers), Justin (like a fat Tim Curry... oh...) and Ben in all their overripe glory:
That was a very fun night out but I *still* didn't get a piccy of the 'splashdance' sequence - my camera died on me. I did get a blackmail-quality pic of Lady Miss Right Nasty, however...
There's 200 quid in used notes in a brown paper bag by that lamp post on Streatham High Street. Now leave me alone, you swine.
somehow I feel I'm being goaded here, and I won't rise to the bait.
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