Monday, August 22, 2005

What I've been holding down inside of me...

..If I ever let it out, there wouldn't be signs big enough. 
There wouldn't be lights bright enough.
Here she is boys! Here she is world! Here's ROSE!"

Ok so my name ain't Rose and I ain't no she. But 'Momma's Turn' from GYPSY is as good a declaration of intent as any other.

A few weeks ago I launched a website on an unsuspecting world and now... the blog! I tremble to think what my next incarnation will be. But I definately draw the line at a 24 hour webcam. No access all hours here. No TRUTH OR DARE. No siree Bob.

Mind you this is the Chris who said he wouldn't be caught dead with a mobile phone. I am too damn suggestable that's my problem.

But it's lucky for you I'm a giver.


redhairedqueer said...

"Here's ROSE!"

Do I sense the development of another Retro bar fancy dress theme??

chrisv said...

Don't put ideas in my head...

Gareth said...

Come on a web cam chez-voicey would be quite fabulous.

chrisv said...

Hands where we can see 'em G!