Sunday, February 18, 2007

Year Zero. Day Three.

Despite my deepest waking nightmares last week the actual get-in to the new office went very smoothly largely thanks to the expert Pickfords moving team headed by Rick who looked like Daniel Craig's uglier brother (steady Andrew...) and by the winning combination of myself and Martin at the office, quickly emptying the crates as they arrived and keeping plenty of walking space around the piles of stock. Even if we did manage to get ourselves locked out on the balcony when the fire exit door blew shut behind us! Luckily the sons of Pickford arrived about ten minutes later *note to self...*

So this is what the door and relevant corner looked like before Hurricaine Flashbacks hit...
Same corner after the end of Friday (aka Moving Day #1):
(clicky for biggy)
And this is how it looked at 12.30 Saturday afternoon after we had sorted the final delivery:

And here is me so you have an idea of the width of the poster pile:

Special thanks go to Owen for bringing Martin and I victuals at the end of the first day and Guy Thomas for helping with the last delivery although the hung-over eejit was actually supposed to have been at the shop helping Richard get the stuff to us about 2 and a half hours earlier!

Now comes the sorting, putting shelves up, watching shelves tumble down, getting phone line activated, getting the Broadband switched to the new address... you know, all the real FUN stuff. Oh and getting to know the neighbours... can't wait to meet them two doors down in the headquarters of Torture Garden!


Owen said...

Getting locked out on the balcony... I ask you! At least I left the larder drawer full.

Anonymous said...

feel free to drop round for a cup of sugar if you ever make it past the other side of the Old Street roundabout...