Thursday, December 04, 2014

Dvd/150: SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY (John Schlesinger, 1971)

After finally seeing this, only 43 years late, I wondered why it is not more acclaimed.  Is it because the subject matter is so uncomfortably personal?

Maybe it is under-rated due to the varying quality of Schlesinger's later films but it has a particular power.  It is certainly a film of it's time - 1970s autumnal London - but it also has a timeless quality despite the clunky telephones and televisions.

Dr Daniel Hirsh and divorcée Alex Greville have never met but know of each other through mutual friends but, more importantly, they know of each other through a young artist Bob Elkins who is a lover to them both.

Both are careful to allow Bob his space but over the course of a week, they realise how they are both bound to lose him.

Unflinching performances from Glenda Jackson and Peter Finch shine as does Penelope Gilliat's adult, perceptive script.

Shelf or charity shop? A resolute shelf-filler *nb* demoted to the plastic box of dvds

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