Leading actors Paul Newman, Heath Ledger and Roy Scheider all took their last bows as well as "Porridge" supporting actor Brian Wilde and freewheeling theatrical comic legend Ken Campbell. The fine director, producer and sometime actor Sydney Pollack also yelled 'cut' for the last time.

Two great record producers went to the great booth in the sky - Joe Gibbs who produced Dennis Brown's MONEY IN MY POCKET and Culture's acclaimed TWO SEVENS CLASH among hundreds of others and Atlantic Records legend Jerry Wexler.
And at the end of the year, two artists showed their innate sense of timing: playwright/director/political activist Harold Pinter and singer/dancer/actress/legend Eartha Kitt.
It is only with the passing of a genuine diva that one realises how devalued that word is now. When

Born on a cotton plantation, raised by a woman she thought was her mother but was actually her aunt, sent to NY at the woman's death to live with her real life mother, auditioning as a dare for the Katherine Dunham company - the first black modern dance company - she was accepted which led to Paris which, like so many black female entertainers before her, allowed her to hone her stage persona as the man-hungry exotic chanteuse.. the original Material Girl.
But beneath that seductive slinkiness was pure grit and steel - exemplified in 1968 by her using a White House luncheon with Lady Bird Johnson to confront the First Lady over the Vietnam war which led to an unofficial blacklist in the USA although Europe as always, opened it's arms to her.

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