It started promisingly with a rockabilly overture with shouted instructions like "Turn off your cell phone", "Thank the ushers" and "Stop rustling". However as one unremarkable 50s pastiche song followed the other I fought hard against the sinking feeling that this was a show that just wasn't going anywhere at all.
The film has a lot going for it

Here the role is played by James Snyder and he almost blends into the bright dayglo sets. He sings, he dances, he acts - but he is totally uncharismatic and forgettable. And that is a major problem. The role of Alison is played by Elizabeth Stanley who was ok but she too wasn't given much to do in the second act.

You can overlook any book or cast oddities in a musical if the score works but here... I suspect the problem lies in the fact that the composer Adam Schlesinger and the lyricist David Javerbaum have tried to write a Broadway score... sadly they have not written the score that CRY-BABY needs.
If I had known how disappointed I would be by this show I would have gone to see XANADU again instead!
Cry Baby could have done with some glitter balls... Xanadu rules in that respect!
you have an obsession with glitter balls.
Hmmm, can't help thinking this must truly be the skinny decaff latte of Broadway musicals i.e. "Why Bother?" Cry Baby is surely the weakest of John Waters' movies (never got around to seeing the Tracy Ullman vehicle so can't comment on that). Sure, it had Hatchet Face, Mink Stole in an iron lung, Ricky Lake giving birth in the back of a car (did THAT little lot make it to the stage version?), Iggy Pop and a veh veh veh young Jonny Depp, but if ever a celluoid outing amounted to less than a sum of its parts, Cry Baby is it. Was his homage to Grease II compensation for not being able to make Flamingos Forever? I think we should be told.
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