Especially waiting for Madonna's new single! Just two weeks to go.. When I heard the first short download I was worried Constant Reader. Why ABBA of all acts to sample? But now I've heard the track I'm lovin' it

Currently blasting out of the cd player is the new Sinead O'Connor THROW DOWN YOUR ARMS, her roots reggae tribute. It was produced by Sly & Robbie at Tuff Gong studios in Jamaica - it's a richly rewarding cd, truly the Lion of Judah's bollocks!
Oh yeah, I wonder where Madonna got the idea for red hair from? BITCH !!
AND I was obsessed with ABBA when I was 9!
She'll be hearing from my lawyers and no mistake...
Though I'm having some trouble with the concept of a Sinead O'Connor roots reggae outing, which is distracting me somewhat from the Madge bottle crime.
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