Monday, December 28, 2020

DVD/150: NUTCRACKER! (Ross MacGibbon, 2003, tv)

Conceived in 1992, Matthew Bourne revised his version of Tchaikovsky's THE NUTCRACKER in time for this 2003 filmed version, capturing the production's pink perfection.

Bourne starts his version in a dismal orphanage run by Dr Dross and his awful family; the children have meagre Christmas decorations and presents only when the Governers visit, when they leave the presents and decorations are snatched back. 

Clara wants her Nutcracker doll back but discovers he has become alive and transforms into a handsome version of the boy she likes - our hero helps defeat the Dross family and helps the children escape.

But the Nutcracker becomes besotted with vain Princess Sugar - Sweetieland's version of Dr Dross' daughter - and Clara attempts to win him back.

But in Sweetieland you're only as good as you taste - gossipy marshmellows, rowdy gob-stoppers and a lascivious Knickerbocker Glory make Clara discover her hero where she least expects him.

Shelf or charity shop?  A definite sugar-coated shelf.  I have seen NUTCRACKER! twice on stage and this is a lovely reminder of the production's invention and wit.  The production should have been playing at Sadlers Wells this Christmas but for the bloody COVID pandemic; it would have brought Bourne's version up to level pegging with the Royal Ballet's production which I have seen three times.  One shouldn't compare the two of course - Bourne's choreography is frustrating at times when you know how the music can be interpreted classically - but NUTCRACKER! certainly has more laughs than the Petipa version and immortalised here are some fine performances: Etta Murfitt as Clara, Alan Vincent as the Nutcracker (I saw him perform the role onstage in 2007), the late and great Scott Ambler as Dr Dross / King of Sweetieland and Arthur Pita as the licky Knickerbocker Glory.  It also serves to remind you of Anthony Ward's eye-popping design!

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