Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Blog Is 15 Years Old....

Who says there is no longevity anymore?

Yes Constant Reader, 15 years ago today I summoned up the courage to write my first blog.  
Owen had started his a week or so before and, after enviously looking at his writings, I thought the world needed my penneth as well. 

So for the first - but most definitely not the only - time, I stared at the blank page and wondered how I was going to start... as Neil Simon said, writers' block doesn't mean you can't think of anything to say... you can think of hundreds of things; you just need to choose the right one.

So, as is so often the case, I just started writing... then start chipping away...

...and the references to theatre, musicals, Sondheim and Madonna have continued.

15 years, some major life changes and many little ones which might not have been blogged about but are probably found lurking between the lines.

Some numbers:
I have posted 1401 posts - which I think is fairly low - and have had 404544 views.  Thank you all!

I am mostly read in the US, the UK, Russia (!), Germany, France, the Ukraine (!!), Canada, Ireland, and the Netherlands.  Guy... keep up in Brazil.

My most viewed blog was a fairly innocuous one about how Doris Day, Marisa Paredes and Sally Thomsett shared the same birthday - over 2 thousand views.  Go figure.  I should blog more about them.

I don't use the blog for personal musings anymore, it is used to review my theatre visits.  It's odd how in the early blogs these would get a paragraph or two, now I write screeds, but as the blog lasts long after the production ends it is a blessing I do...
I think it's time to do another part-work: DVD/150 still has a long way to go and I completed my 50 Top Musicals over my birthday weekend in April so... watch this space...

Through all the years, Owen has remained a shining star.

And I thank you, Constant Reader, for being my wonderful people out there in the dark...


(ps. expect a new blog tomorrow... the great work continues)

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